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Sports Events on the 2nd Day of the Sports Meeting

作者:高103班 李依峤 来源: 发布时间:2016年09月30日 点击数:2766 字号:【

It’s the second day of FLS’s annual sports meeting. Despite the burning sun of the first day, the weather today turns out to be windy and a bit freezing.

At 7:40 a.m., the harsh gunshot marked the beginning of the 100-meter race. Regardless of the chill of the morning wind, all the athletes were dashing towards the destination at their swiftest speed. In the meanwhile, their supporting class uttered shouts of thrill and encouragement.

Just about one hour later at 8:50 a.m, the 4×100 relay race started with the held breath of the athletes and great concern of the classmates. The relay baton passed along the 4 athletes and they struggled themselves aginst the wind and tiredness. At the same time, the strong will to win passes along.

Besides the field events, the track events also played and decisive part of all the competitions. Great strength will be needed to perfectly cast the heavy medicine ball, but those strong athletes from Junior One seemed to take it easy. With a swife leap, the athletes from the senior classes landed stably on the distant ground.

Sense and thrilling shouts suddenly broke the silence at 5:00 p.m. It was the 1000-metre race of the junior classes. When the athletes finally reached the finishing line, September 29th’s competieions came to and end.

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